[vc_row][vc_column css_animation=”bounceInDown”][vc_custom_heading text=”NDIS Registered Provider” font_container=”tag:h1|text_align:left”][home1-hero-section-shortcode title=”Welcome to BestDss” heading=”NDIS Registered Providers” bold=”in Australia” font_container=”tag:h1″ des=”Are you looking for a reliable National Disability Scheme (NDIS) provider? Look no further! BestDss is one of your trusted NDIS registered providers. We aim in delivering quality services and support coordination with NDIS that cater to the needs of people with disabilities. Rest assured that we comply with all Victorian and Commonwealth Government requirements to ensure you get safe disability support services. You can find us in the NDIS Register!” bttext=”Book a Free Consultation” btlink=”https://bestdss.com.au/contact-us/” heroimg=”955″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][home1-about-section-shortcode heroimg=”1248″ heroimg1=”1249″ heading=”As an NDIS Service providers in Melbourne, we are committed to supporting you, the Participant:” des=”At BestDss we support people living with intellectual, cognitive and developmental disabilities, as well as their families and carers. Our participants come from diverse backgrounds and live throughout the VIC.
At BestDss we develop innovative independence programs with the people we support, which foster greater autonomy and nurture community engagement.
At BestDss, you found the best NDIS Service Provider in Melbourne!
When you become a client of a registered NDIS Provider like us, you can expect:
– To be treated with dignity and respect;
– Us to be tolerant of any diversity and be welcoming and inclusive;
– To experience a professional and inclusive team approach and working environments;
– To feel that you belong and are a valued individual who can reach your full potential;
– To be communicated with regularly; and
– To be linked to the services that we are unable to provide ourselves.”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][home1-service-section-start-shortcode title=”Find the NDIS Providers that is right for you” heading=”With us, your wellbeing is our priority!” des=”We place a lot of emphasis in the quality of service we provide. Our goal is identical with the goal of our clients and their carers which is to receive the care they need so they can remain independent, continue to enjoy their individual lifestyle, maintain their social, community and religious activities and enhance their personal wellbeing.” heroimg=”44″][home1-service-section-shortcode icon=”fas fa-certificate” title=”Commitment To Quality” des=”Our commitment to offering quality NDIS approved service is articulated in our Welcome Information Package. You are assured that we completed the NDIS service provider registration . We offer consumers the opportunity to provide feedback to us using a range of methods – email, phone, online form and paper formats.” icon1=”fas fa-user-friends” title1=”Community Integration” des1=”We’d love to hear from you that, “BestDss is the great disability support services near me!”
We are committed to including and improving access for Aboriginal people and follow the guidance set out to work with and support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. We are the Disability Support Services in Melbourne that can exceed your expectations!”][home1-service-section-shortcode icon1=”flaticon-backup” title1=”Understanding Rights” des1=”As a person with a disability and/or a consumer of a disability service you have Rights, as well as Choice & Control over the services you receive. You can trust that BestDss is one of the best in the NDIS Service Provider list. We assist and empower you to exercise your consumer rights.”][home1-service-section-end-shortcode][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][home1-service1-section-start-shortcode title=”SERVICES” heading=”What we do”][home1-service1-section-shortcode icon1=”fas fa-hands-helping” btlink1=”https://bestdss.com.au/support-coordination/” heroimg=”62″ title=”Support Coordination” des=”We guide and assist both providers and participants understand their responsibilities under service agreements or change or end a service agreement.” icon=”fas fa-angle-right” bttext=”Discover More” btlink=”https://creativedigital.tech/tandawordpress/services-version-one/” bgimg=”433″][home1-service1-section-shortcode icon1=”fab fa-accessible-icon” btlink1=”https://bestdss.com.au/community-nursing-care/” heroimg=”63″ title=”Community Nursing Care” des=”The aim of our community nursing services program is to increase the chances of entitled people to spend and independent and healthy life.” icon=”fas fa-angle-right” bttext=”Discover More” btlink=”https://creativedigital.tech/tandawordpress/services-version-one/” bgimg=”433″][home1-service1-section-shortcode icon1=”far fa-shuttle-van” btlink1=”https://bestdss.com.au/assist-travel-transport/” heroimg=”64″ title=”Assist-Travel/Transport” des=”Transport supports include supports that enable participant’s to build capacity to independently travel, including through personal transport-related aids.” icon=”fas fa-angle-right” bttext=”Discover More” btlink=”https://creativedigital.tech/tandawordpress/services-version-one/” bgimg=”433″][home1-service1-section-shortcode icon1=”fas fa-tasks” btlink1=”https://bestdss.com.au/daily-tasks-shared-living/” heroimg=”65″ title=”Daily Tasks/Shared Living” des=”This includes assisting with and/or supervising personal tasks of daily life to ensure you can live the most independent life that you can lead. These supports can be provided in your home or in community.” icon=”fas fa-angle-right” bttext=”Discover More” btlink=”https://creativedigital.tech/tandawordpress/services-version-one/” bgimg=”433″][home1-service1-section-shortcode icon1=”fas fa-user-edit” btlink1=”https://bestdss.com.au/development-life-skills/” heroimg=”66″ title=”Development-Life Skills” des=”Disability Home Nursing offers to develop the life-skills of our clients that helps them go further in their life and does not make them feel saperated or feel different from other peoples.” icon=”fas fa-angle-right” bttext=”Discover More” btlink=”https://creativedigital.tech/tandawordpress/services-version-one/” bgimg=”433″][home1-service1-section-shortcode icon1=”far fa-users” btlink1=”https://bestdss.com.au/participate-community/” heroimg=”66″ title=”Participate Community” des=”Social interaction and community engagement are essential parts of daily life. That’s why we believe in supporting you to connect and participate in your own community each day.” icon=”fas fa-angle-right” bttext=”Discover More” btlink=”https://creativedigital.tech/tandawordpress/services-version-one/” bgimg=”433″][home1-service1-section-end-shortcode][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][home1-work-section-start-shortcode title=”PROCESS” heading=”How To Access Support”][home1-work-section-shortcode icon=”fas fa-retweet” number=”01″ des=”Completing referral form or directly contacting us”][home1-work-section-shortcode icon=”fas fa-sign-in-alt” number=”02″ title=”intake assessment to identify”][home1-work-section-shortcode icon=”fas fa-phone-volume” number=”03″ title=”Sign service agreement”][home1-work-section-shortcode icon=”fas fa-address-book” number=”04″ title=”Build a Personalized Support Plan”][home1-work-section-end-shortcode][/vc_column][/vc_row]